Dr Brendan Kellett

C IM 10090

Dr Kellett trained at St. Thomas’s Hospital Medical School, London.  After completing a BSc in Immunology in 1988 he went on to qualify in 1991.  He became a Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners in 1995.

Dr Kellett was born and educated in Jersey. He returned here in 1995 to take up a GP post at Halkett Place Surgery before the formation of the Island Medical Centre in 2009.  He has a variety of interests and experience in all areas of General Practice.  He trained as a Family Mediator in 2013 & has a special interest in helping people deal with adversity.

He has four children.  When not working he likes to live life to the full enjoying a wide range of leisure, sporting and sociable pursuits.

Surgery appointments can be booked:

Monday  -  Town

Tuesday  -  Town

Thursday  -  Town

Friday  -  Fernlea


GP Partner

GMC Number


To Book
Call 01534 51 61 51

To book an appointment call 01534 51 61 51