Antenatal services

In partnership with the midwifery team we provide full antenatal and postnatal care.

Uncomplicated pregnancies (ie no existing medical problems) for first time mums usually receive 10 appointments throughout their pregnancy and one appointment after the baby is born. If you have had a baby before you may require fewer appointments.

On becoming pregnant you see your GP as usual and if you have an uncomplicated obstetric and medical history your GP will offer you either GP led or midwifery led care.

If you have a more complicated pregnancy or medical history you will be referred for Consultant Led care which is based at the hospital.

We provide value for money and affordability.


Antenatal package (10 appointments and post-natal check) £100.00

Net of a £100.56 Government statutory and contracted Medical Benefit

To Book
Call 01534 51 61 51